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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Doctor Says, "The Christmas Tree Needs to Come Down"

What does that even mean? Well, essentially, our Christmas Tree is still up. We started taking it down Saturday night and yet it is still here with most of its decorations. I think it may be a symbol for the need for things to happen in a timely manner or they will never get done. The tree may no come down until we move out of this apartment and it has to be packed with everything else.

I went to the doctor yesterday and was told that I needed to get on top of my stress in order to stop feeling so tired. My response is to eat some delicious challah and followed by some Irish soda bread.

I am debating what to do about my final project. It's something I need to figure out this week. I have put my feelers out to people at GTU about the film project but haven't heard anything back. So I have to figure out my back up project. I'll have to see Professor Clayton. Perhaps I will do an anthropological study on active virtual churches and what we in "first life" churches can learn from them. And combine it with cyber ethics.

I'll figure it out.